Thursday, February 2, 2012

Six More Weeks of Winter

It is official.  Punxsutawney Phil put his head up out of the ground and saw his shadow, so we have six more weeks of winter.  Of course the official date of spring is (surprise) six weeks away and Punxsutawney Phil is correct only 39% of the time......

Last night was a night to celebrate.  We had one more wine on Wednesday.  Turns out the class that Anna is taking begins on the 8th and last for 12 weeks, not eight.  Darn.  So, I celebrated by going out for coffee at Starbucks with my friend, Leah and then to Anna's for wine.  We drank a good Zinfandel.  Yummmm.  I am so a red wine girl. 

Turns out last night's Criminal Minds was a rerun, so we watched American Idol.  After American Idol is this show called Mobbed.  It was addicting.  Howie Mandel arranges flash mobs to make announcements (engagements) and such, and last night it was about an apology.  Seems Tim was angry at brother Nick and sold all his clothes and belongings including a valuable guitar.  Tim and Nick hadn't spoke in eight months and it was causing problems in the family (four brothers and a mom).  Funny thing in  that Tim and Nick are in the same band (and they were good by the way), but weren't speaking.  So Howie Madel arranges this elaborate flash mob thing for Nick who ended up crying.  He was presented with a guitar that matched the one Tim sold.  Everyone hugs and off they go into the sunset (at midnight).  I can't wait for the next episode...

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