Friday, October 7, 2011


I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I make pillows using fleece for a program at my work.  We used to call it the PBS program --meaning Positive Behavior Support.  Then I guess someone complained and it became clear PBS meant something else --okay like Public television.  The name changed, but I don't remember what letter we added --and I mean the school district, not me-- but I began making a few pillows one year.  I made a few more last year and then stopped.  This year in August I asked if anyone still wanted pillows and the vice principal was noncommittal.  Didn't know one way or another.  I had three more and so I just left them with the vice principal and went on my merry way.  A few weeks into the new school year, I realized the PBS program was being run by one of the teachers.  One day in passing, I happen to say something about the pillows.  Jinne stops and is so excited about these pillows.  She had no idea who was making them, but she tells me the kids can't get enough of them.  Now I am the pillow factory.  Children are PRE-ORDERING the pillows.  They are gone as soon as I bring them in.  I'll be making more this weekend...

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