Saturday, October 22, 2011

Have you ever put on the wrong shoes?

Yesterday, a teacher I work with was trying to tell me something. I wasn't getting it.  Then she points at her feet and says very slowly, "I put on two different shoes!"  I thought it was funny.  She did not.  At school yesterday it was "Sports" day.  She could just say it was one of those superstitious things that sports people do--if anyone even noticed.  Both shoes had touches of pink and were white and silver. 

I mention this because my husband always thinks people will notice his shoes and pays a lot of attention to his feet.  Not me!  I will put on anything and be happy that my feet are clothed.

Leah Update:  Her surgery was a week ago and she is doing fine.  Had lost 13 pounds as of Monday when I went over to watch Dancing With the Stars.  She is craving sugar-free Dr. Pepper and potato salad.  Cream of chicken soup will have to do.

Thursday and yesterday the children took a Healthy Kids survey.  This survey is very invasive in my opinion. One of the questions asks if they have been bullied because they are gay or lesbian.  How many seventh graders want to tell their teacher something like that?  Also, it asks if they have brought weapons to school.
There are questions about drugs I have never heard of.  But the question that bothers me the most...It asks if you have ever drank a full glass of alcohol.  If I was in the seventh grade, I would have answered that question with a yes.  We drank wine with dinner --not every night, but often enough.  My parents thought nothing of my wanting to drink at dinner.  Now, we didn't sit around getting drunk, but at a young age I could totally hold my liquor.  Now, as adults, we are all responsible drinkers (except Richard who doesn't drink for religious reasons).  We aren't alcoholics or driving around drunk. I offered wine to my own children.  again, not alcoholics.  While the survey is anonymous, wouldn't the school want to know who might have seen weapons at school????  Is there a way they can be tracked down????  I did ask one of the vice principals where the survey came from.  She said it was something all seventh grades did every year.  Not at our school.  I think I would have remembered a 114 question survey in the 16 years I have worked there.

Working on:
1.  blue and white Irish chain with embroidered baskets.  Have finished eight of the twelve baskets.  Must begin collecting blues and whites for the quilt.
2.  Grumpkin the pumpkin.  I think he will become a pillow.
3.  Garden quilt--applique.  I have about half of the patterns traced onto the freezer paper.
4.  Gifty for a trip to Apple Hill with quilting friends.
5.  block of the month for October.  Will be signing up for next years block next Saturday.
6.  Christmas pillow.

Today I bought a new cutting board.  I melted my other board.  I warped another.  I think I needed a new board!

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