My son just came out of his room to tell me what he wants for Christmas. He said he wanted me to be prepared.
Many years back there was a time when Microsoft came out with this wonderful computer/gaming system--the X-Box 360. Everyone wanted it. Unfortunately it was nearly impossible to get. Believe me, I tried. I called Best Buy and Circuit City three times a day. One day, after try after try, I actually missed getting one by 20 minutes. I stood in Circuit City and cried...I think sobbed might best describe it. In the end, I told my son I was not going to be able to find one before Christmas and I vowed to never again play that game. I got the X-Box 360 from Costco in March and I let my son stay home from school to play video games.
oh what we parents will do to make our kids happy!! I remember my Mom calling me and asking me "how many cabbage patch kids" I wanted...NONE!! but of course each girl HAD to have one! lol