Thursday, October 21, 2010

I know, it has been a while

I knew this would happen eventually. We ran into a problem here. The modem died. It was sad and was not able to be revived. Found out that Surewest uses another modem and I had 2 choices. For my first choice I could "lease" a modem for $5.00/month. Now we all know that means $5.00 plus all taxes. My 2nd choice was to buy one from someplace like Staples or Best Buy. Thinking that I could go and check out any new pens, I called Staples first, but they didn't have a modem that was RCF 1483 capable. I have that imprinted on my memory. I figured buying one was the best way to go. We are now connected again!

We don't even begin to realize how connected we are until it goes away. The modem was a must for us because both of my "children" are in school and some of their courses require homework done on the internet--especially the Statistics class. Very scary!

On Monday, I was at embroidery class. A very bright spot in my week. On Tuesday I was home. Wednesday I was running around after the modem and tonight I had dinner with my in-laws. How does all that wear me out?

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